Employers understand that during any workday, accidents resulting in injuries can occur. Workers’ compensation claims can be costly to the most stable of enterprises enjoying vast financial resources. Proactive steps may not shield all employees from worksite dangers, but it can minimize instances where the staff is put at risk.
What can get lost in the shuffle are non-physical damage that is more difficult to diagnose and treat. Mental illness is prevalent in companies nationwide and continues to present challenges in all aspects of both personal and professional lives.
Addressing Mental Health in the Workplace
In times of unrest that comes with protests and pandemic, emotionally-charged issues combined with work-related stress impact staff performance on site. Conversely, the isolation that comes with forced work-at-home mandates, getting out of the house, and leaving personal matters at home is not an option. For many, severely adverse psychological effects are the result.
Owners and managers must take mental issues as seriously as physical injuries that can affect daily performances. The problems go beyond mere “cabin fever.” Far too often, equally disabling psychological conditions are misunderstood, overlooked, or outright ignored.
A recent study conducted by Maestro Health surveyed more than 2,000 American workers. The survey focused on mental health in the workplace and the stigmas that can result.
An important component of the survey was to identify how employees discussed these matters with their peers and company leadership providing access to resources on stress management. Results revealed that the subject of mental health is something that co-workers are willing to share with their peers. Discussions often help employees that they are not alone in their anxiety.
Yet, even with that openness, one troubling statistic reveals that more than half of the employees surveyed have never received any information via correspondence or in-person meetings regarding mental health. As with any challenging issue in the workplace, holistic well-being remains a work in progress as some employees suffer emotional scarring without much-needed help and support.